The Mirza family lives in the Mor Barsaumo cultural center with one other family where they are waiting for relocation to Europe. The Syriac community in Midyat has provided them with free accommodations and food to assist with their transition.
Ninwa Mizra has tea at her home in the Cultural Center on October 30th, 2014 in Midyat, Turkey. The parents, Nahir and Ninwa Mizra requested not to have their faces photographed for fear of retribution on their families still in Syria.
Besme changes her slippers in the bedroom for the family in the Cultural Center on October 30th, 2014 in Midyat, Turkey.
Another couple wash dishes and play around at their shared home with the Mirza family in the Cultural Center on October 30th, 2014 in Midyat, Turkey.
Ninwa Mirza takes in the laundry from outside of her temporary home in the Cultural Center on October 30th, 2014 in Midyat, Turkey.
A Syrian refugee makes a call to Syria outside of his temporary home in the Cultural Center on October 30th, 2014 in Midyat, Turkey.
An Assyrian girl cleans up leaves in the courtyard of Mor Barsaumo before her Aramaic lesson on October 30th, 2014.
An Assyrian girl plays with a ball on the walls of the church of Mor Barsaumo before her Aramaic lesson on October 30th, 2014.
Assyrian boys play in the in the courtyard of Mor Barsaumo before an Aramaic lesson on October 30th, 2014. The Mor Barsaumo church is over 1,500 years old and was renovated in 1943. It is located 21 Şen Caddessi in Midyat, Turkey.
The street outside of Mor Barsaumo church on October 30th, 2014. The Mor Barsaumo church is over 1,500 years old and was renovated in 1943. It is located 21 Şen Caddessi in Midyat, Turkey.
Decon Ayhan Gürkan,(l) reads from a religious book in the courtyard of Mor Barsaumo before teaching an Aramaic lesson on October 30th, 2014. The Mor Barsaumo church is over 1,500 years old and was renovated in 1943. It is located 21 Şen Caddessi in Midyat, Turkey.
A portrait of a holy figure and CCTV cameras used to monitor the security of the church, where there has been attacks near a window looking out into the courtyard on October 30th, 2014 at Mor Barsaumo church in Midyat, Turkey.
A girl reads during her Assyrian class in the classroom of Mor Barsaumo church on October 30th, 2014. The Mor Barsaumo church is over 1,500 years old and was renovated in 1943. It is located 21 Şen Caddessi in Midyat, Turkey.
A girl reads during her Assyrian class in the classroom of Mor Barsaumo church on October 30th, 2014. The Mor Barsaumo church is over 1,500 years old and was renovated in 1943. It is located 21 Şen Caddessi in Midyat, Turkey.
Decon Ayhan Gürkan,(r) speaks to locals in the cortyard of Mor Barsaumo before teaching an Aramaic lesson on October 30th, 2014. The Mor Barsaumo church is over 1,500 years old and was renovated in 1943. It is located 21 Şen Caddessi in Midyat, Turkey.
A guide points out graves of religious leaders at Mor Abraham, a monastary located on the outskirts of Midyat, Turkey on October 30th, 2014. Mor Abraham's land has been used as a refugee camp to house Syrian refugees and currently has two Christian men, the Christian population of Midyat is an estimated 1,500.
The exterior of the chapel of Mor Abraham, a monastary located on the outskirts of Midyat, Turkey. Mor Abraham's land has been used as a refugee camp to house Syrian refugees and currently has two Christian men.
Members of the Asyrian community touch a cross on the door after praying at Mor Baraumo church during an afternoon service on October 30th, 2014. The Mor Barsaumo church is over 1,500 years old and was renovated in 1943. It is located 21 Şen Caddessi in Midyat, Turkey.
Members of the Asyrian community leave Mor Baraumo church after an afternoon service on October 30th, 2014. The Mor Barsaumo church is over 1,500 years old and was renovated in 1943. It is located 21 Şen Caddessi in Midyat, Turkey.
In the courtyard of the cultural center, Syrian refugees talk while laundry is drying on October 30th, 2014 in Midyat, Turkey.
The road to Mor Gabriel monastary 20km outside of Midyat, Turkey on October 31st, 2014.
A guide gives a tour to a Turkish family visiting Mor Gabriel monastary on October 31st, 2014 20km outside of Midyat, Turkey.
In downtown Midyat, a city with a mixed population of Turks, Syriac's and, Armenians. Through the window of a restaurant a woman walks down the main street on October 31st, 2014.
A man waits in the courtyard of Mor Barsaumo church on October 31th, 2014. The Mor Barsaumo church is over 1,500 years old and was renovated in 1943. It is located 21 Şen Caddessi in Midyat, Turkey.
Decon Ayhan Gürkan reads from an Assyriac book before a church service at Mor Barsaumo church on October 31st, 2014. The Mor Barsaumo church is over 1,500 years old and was renovated in 1943. It is located 21 Şen Caddessi in Midyat, Turkey.
Candles lit before a church service at Mor Barsaumo church on October 31st, 2014. The Mor Barsaumo church is over 1,500 years old and was renovated in 1943. It is located 21 Şen Caddessi in Midyat, Turkey.
A church service at Mor Barsaumo church on October 31st, 2014. The Mor Barsaumo church is over 1,500 years old and was renovated in 1943. It is located 21 Şen Caddessi in Midyat, Turkey.
A church service at Mor Barsaumo church on October 31st, 2014. The Mor Barsaumo church is over 1,500 years old and was renovated in 1943. It is located 21 Şen Caddessi in Midyat, Turkey.
The Mirza family lives in the Mor Barsaumo cultural center with one other family where they are waiting for relocation to Europe. The Syriac community in Midyat has provided them with free accommodations and food to assist with their transition.
Ninwa Mizra has tea at her home in the Cultural Center on October 30th, 2014 in Midyat, Turkey. The parents, Nahir and Ninwa Mizra requested not to have their faces photographed for fear of retribution on their families still in Syria.
Besme changes her slippers in the bedroom for the family in the Cultural Center on October 30th, 2014 in Midyat, Turkey.
Another couple wash dishes and play around at their shared home with the Mirza family in the Cultural Center on October 30th, 2014 in Midyat, Turkey.
Ninwa Mirza takes in the laundry from outside of her temporary home in the Cultural Center on October 30th, 2014 in Midyat, Turkey.
A Syrian refugee makes a call to Syria outside of his temporary home in the Cultural Center on October 30th, 2014 in Midyat, Turkey.
An Assyrian girl cleans up leaves in the courtyard of Mor Barsaumo before her Aramaic lesson on October 30th, 2014.
An Assyrian girl plays with a ball on the walls of the church of Mor Barsaumo before her Aramaic lesson on October 30th, 2014.
Assyrian boys play in the in the courtyard of Mor Barsaumo before an Aramaic lesson on October 30th, 2014. The Mor Barsaumo church is over 1,500 years old and was renovated in 1943. It is located 21 Şen Caddessi in Midyat, Turkey.
The street outside of Mor Barsaumo church on October 30th, 2014. The Mor Barsaumo church is over 1,500 years old and was renovated in 1943. It is located 21 Şen Caddessi in Midyat, Turkey.
Decon Ayhan Gürkan,(l) reads from a religious book in the courtyard of Mor Barsaumo before teaching an Aramaic lesson on October 30th, 2014. The Mor Barsaumo church is over 1,500 years old and was renovated in 1943. It is located 21 Şen Caddessi in Midyat, Turkey.
A portrait of a holy figure and CCTV cameras used to monitor the security of the church, where there has been attacks near a window looking out into the courtyard on October 30th, 2014 at Mor Barsaumo church in Midyat, Turkey.
A girl reads during her Assyrian class in the classroom of Mor Barsaumo church on October 30th, 2014. The Mor Barsaumo church is over 1,500 years old and was renovated in 1943. It is located 21 Şen Caddessi in Midyat, Turkey.
A girl reads during her Assyrian class in the classroom of Mor Barsaumo church on October 30th, 2014. The Mor Barsaumo church is over 1,500 years old and was renovated in 1943. It is located 21 Şen Caddessi in Midyat, Turkey.
Decon Ayhan Gürkan,(r) speaks to locals in the cortyard of Mor Barsaumo before teaching an Aramaic lesson on October 30th, 2014. The Mor Barsaumo church is over 1,500 years old and was renovated in 1943. It is located 21 Şen Caddessi in Midyat, Turkey.
A guide points out graves of religious leaders at Mor Abraham, a monastary located on the outskirts of Midyat, Turkey on October 30th, 2014. Mor Abraham's land has been used as a refugee camp to house Syrian refugees and currently has two Christian men, the Christian population of Midyat is an estimated 1,500.
The exterior of the chapel of Mor Abraham, a monastary located on the outskirts of Midyat, Turkey. Mor Abraham's land has been used as a refugee camp to house Syrian refugees and currently has two Christian men.
Members of the Asyrian community touch a cross on the door after praying at Mor Baraumo church during an afternoon service on October 30th, 2014. The Mor Barsaumo church is over 1,500 years old and was renovated in 1943. It is located 21 Şen Caddessi in Midyat, Turkey.
Members of the Asyrian community leave Mor Baraumo church after an afternoon service on October 30th, 2014. The Mor Barsaumo church is over 1,500 years old and was renovated in 1943. It is located 21 Şen Caddessi in Midyat, Turkey.
In the courtyard of the cultural center, Syrian refugees talk while laundry is drying on October 30th, 2014 in Midyat, Turkey.
The road to Mor Gabriel monastary 20km outside of Midyat, Turkey on October 31st, 2014.
A guide gives a tour to a Turkish family visiting Mor Gabriel monastary on October 31st, 2014 20km outside of Midyat, Turkey.
In downtown Midyat, a city with a mixed population of Turks, Syriac's and, Armenians. Through the window of a restaurant a woman walks down the main street on October 31st, 2014.
A man waits in the courtyard of Mor Barsaumo church on October 31th, 2014. The Mor Barsaumo church is over 1,500 years old and was renovated in 1943. It is located 21 Şen Caddessi in Midyat, Turkey.
Decon Ayhan Gürkan reads from an Assyriac book before a church service at Mor Barsaumo church on October 31st, 2014. The Mor Barsaumo church is over 1,500 years old and was renovated in 1943. It is located 21 Şen Caddessi in Midyat, Turkey.
Candles lit before a church service at Mor Barsaumo church on October 31st, 2014. The Mor Barsaumo church is over 1,500 years old and was renovated in 1943. It is located 21 Şen Caddessi in Midyat, Turkey.
A church service at Mor Barsaumo church on October 31st, 2014. The Mor Barsaumo church is over 1,500 years old and was renovated in 1943. It is located 21 Şen Caddessi in Midyat, Turkey.
A church service at Mor Barsaumo church on October 31st, 2014. The Mor Barsaumo church is over 1,500 years old and was renovated in 1943. It is located 21 Şen Caddessi in Midyat, Turkey.