Jyoti and her newborn daughter who she will maybe name Rohini at the Gurgaon Hospital outside of New Delhi, India, where- defying statistics more girls are born than boys. Up to 50 million girls and women are missing from India's population as a result of sex discrimination according to the UN Children's Fund.
A nurse gives a shot to a baby boy at the Gurgaon Hospital outside of New Delhi, India, where- defying statistics more girls are born than boys.
At the Sadnha Institute Center in Mullahera- a make shift after school program run for the children of migrant workers there are about 100 kids taught in five shifts. The village of Mullahera received a cash prize from the Indian government for producing more girl than boy births.
At the Sadnha Institute Center in Mullahera- a make shift after school program run for the children of migrant workers there are about 100 kids taught in five shifts. The school is run by Sadna and her husband, who notes that there are mostly boys during the school year. Sadna and her husband have three girls.
Girls practice reading at the Sadnha Institute Center in Mullahera- a make shift after school program run for the children of migrant workers there are about 100 kids taught in five shifts.
Woman in front of a sign declaring that ultrasounds to determine sex are illegal at the Gurgaon Hospital outside of New Delhi, India.
A nurse takes care of a jaundiced baby boy at the Gurgaon Hospital outside of New Delhi, India, where- defying statistics more girls are born than boys.
A young mother and her daughter, visit the Gurgaon hospital so the baby can receive typical vaccinations. In India the emphasis on two children per household has caused riffs in many families that already have one girl.
Three generations of women under one roof, The grandmother and mother have only born girls. The village of Mullahera received a cash prize from the Indian government for producing more girl than boy births. This is a new incentive from the Indian government to begin to reverse the downward trend in girl births.
The village of Mullahera received a cash prize from the Indian government for producing more girl than boy births. This is a new incentive from the Indian government to begin to reverse the downward trend in girl births.
The local council in the room they use to encourage woman to keep girl children, rather than abort. From left to right- Geeta, Rani, Nirmala, Vinod Kumar.
A young woman leaves her home in Mullahera after being married last night- in a traditional ceremony and is brought to her new husbands home. This is the final in a series of many wedding events.
In another wedding ceremony- women gather together to dance before the wedding. The woman on the right will be married in a few days. The village of Mullahera received a cash prize from the Indian government for producing more girl than boy births.
A girl buying an ice cream in the village of Mullahera. The village of Mullahera received a cash prize from the Indian government for producing more girl than boy births. This is a new incentive from the Indian government to begin to reverse the downward trend in girl births.
Two girls and a boy play outside in a funeral tent, set up for the local elder who has passed.
Jyoti and her newborn daughter who she will maybe name Rohini at the Gurgaon Hospital outside of New Delhi, India, where- defying statistics more girls are born than boys. Up to 50 million girls and women are missing from India's population as a result of sex discrimination according to the UN Children's Fund.
A nurse gives a shot to a baby boy at the Gurgaon Hospital outside of New Delhi, India, where- defying statistics more girls are born than boys.
At the Sadnha Institute Center in Mullahera- a make shift after school program run for the children of migrant workers there are about 100 kids taught in five shifts. The village of Mullahera received a cash prize from the Indian government for producing more girl than boy births.
At the Sadnha Institute Center in Mullahera- a make shift after school program run for the children of migrant workers there are about 100 kids taught in five shifts. The school is run by Sadna and her husband, who notes that there are mostly boys during the school year. Sadna and her husband have three girls.
Girls practice reading at the Sadnha Institute Center in Mullahera- a make shift after school program run for the children of migrant workers there are about 100 kids taught in five shifts.
Woman in front of a sign declaring that ultrasounds to determine sex are illegal at the Gurgaon Hospital outside of New Delhi, India.
A nurse takes care of a jaundiced baby boy at the Gurgaon Hospital outside of New Delhi, India, where- defying statistics more girls are born than boys.
A young mother and her daughter, visit the Gurgaon hospital so the baby can receive typical vaccinations. In India the emphasis on two children per household has caused riffs in many families that already have one girl.
Three generations of women under one roof, The grandmother and mother have only born girls. The village of Mullahera received a cash prize from the Indian government for producing more girl than boy births. This is a new incentive from the Indian government to begin to reverse the downward trend in girl births.
The village of Mullahera received a cash prize from the Indian government for producing more girl than boy births. This is a new incentive from the Indian government to begin to reverse the downward trend in girl births.
The local council in the room they use to encourage woman to keep girl children, rather than abort. From left to right- Geeta, Rani, Nirmala, Vinod Kumar.
A young woman leaves her home in Mullahera after being married last night- in a traditional ceremony and is brought to her new husbands home. This is the final in a series of many wedding events.
In another wedding ceremony- women gather together to dance before the wedding. The woman on the right will be married in a few days. The village of Mullahera received a cash prize from the Indian government for producing more girl than boy births.
A girl buying an ice cream in the village of Mullahera. The village of Mullahera received a cash prize from the Indian government for producing more girl than boy births. This is a new incentive from the Indian government to begin to reverse the downward trend in girl births.
Two girls and a boy play outside in a funeral tent, set up for the local elder who has passed.